Organization Bee 4 After!

Organization Organization Bee 4 After!
Organization Bee 4 After!

Nov 2018

Posted By bee4admin


Organization. Another topic I’m really passionate about but not really good at 🙂 I love things organized, but I have a hard time keeping them that way. I have more fun buying the gizmos to keep things organized and visualizing the outcome than actually doing the day to day work required to maintain it. (Come to think of it, I’m the same way with landscaping.)

Luckily, my friend Joan is just the opposite and has agreed to share her tidbits and wisdom with us. I have never, ever known anyone who walked the talk like Joan. Her home is impeccable – yet warm; pristinely clean – yet inviting; beautifully furnished – yet spacious. Everything has a place (and most are labelled with that place). She routinely goes through shelves and tosses outdated items, like spices. She never buys something unless she plans on giving something else away so as not to accumulate clutter. Before Marie Konda was writing about “sparking joy” Joan was living it! Please watch for her guidance here and post your own before and afters below!

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